Enhorabona, ja ets estudiant de LCI Barcelona!

Three smiling young women walking together through a school corridor.
People relax in an atrium featuring a vibrant, geometric art installation surrounded by lush greenery.

Què has de saber?

  • El nostre campus al 22@

    Descobreix les espectaculars instal·lacions que estrenarem al districte de la innovació.

  • Descobreix Omnivox

    Gràcies a la plataforma Omnivox, estaràs al dia de tot el que succeeix a LCI Barcelona.

A sleek library space with book-lined walls and contemporary hanging lights, featuring a cozy reading area with a reflective ceiling for an open feel.
A sleek library space with book-lined walls and contemporary hanging lights, featuring a cozy reading area with a reflective ceiling for an open feel.

Punts destacats del campus

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Portrait of a happy young businesswoman in office. Female wearing casuals holding digital tablet looking at the camera.