Meet our professors

Graduated in Architecture from Universidad de Buenos Aires, Postgraduate in Contemporary Architecture and doctoral candidate in energy and environmental issues from Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya.
She is the founder of the start-up BigData_Studio, which puts information at the service of ecology within the theoretical framework of biomimicry. She is currently working on a bio systemic design platform to cross ecological information through the cloud.
She has given different conferences, among which the "Pecha Kucha" within the cycle Ecoforum 2009 and the talk "Architecture inspired by natural system" in Collapse(s) Eme 3. She has also written many articles such as the Revista di Magazine China (#145) Report World Architecture Festival - "Less does more". She has participated in different publications such as "Tyre-space©: innovative" within the PLEA Convention / Sustainable Architecture + Urban Design; "Il progetto di Via Gallarate a Milano" from Domus magazine (#929) and the book A+T Density Projects - "Estación Central y alrededores de Parma".
She collaborates in architectural offices in different cities (External Reference Architects of Barcelona, MAB Architettura of Milan, Itec Design Architects of Florida, etc.).