
Official documentation
Bachelor's Degree in Design
Higher Art Education is regulated by the Organic Education Law 2/2006, of 3 May, which establishes in Art. 57 that the Bachelor's Degree in Design will be equivalent to a university degree.
Royal Decree 633/2010, of 14 May, regulates the Higher Degree in Design throughout Spain.
The degree plan of the Bachelor's Degree in Design from Felicidad Duce, LCI Barcelona's School of Higher Education in Design and Fashion, code 08058398, has been approved by Resolution ENS/1962/2015, of 24 August, of the Catalan Ministry of Education, and published in the Official Gazette of the Government of Catalonia (DOGC).
Master's Degree in Art Education in Creation and Development of Digital Projects
Standardisation in the Official State Gazette of Spain (BOE)
Master's Degree in Art Education in Experiential Interior Design
Standardisation in the Official State Gazette of Spain (BOE)
Academic regulation
Bachelor's Degree in Design
Final project (TFE) guide - Fashion specialty
Final project (TFE) guide - Graphic, Interior and Product specialties