DI55ECCIONS with Gema Requena

  • May 31, 2022
  • 6:00 PMto 7:00 PM
  • Online.
Graphic Portrait Design

On May 31st don't miss the new conference of our cycle DI55ECCIONS with Gema Requena, trend forecaster & vision leader, ambassador of positive impact and founder of Nethunting. She is also a professor, speaker and strategic consultant in marketing, innovation, future design, sustainability and equity.

 Why not miss it? 

Helping to build the future from the present is possible thanks to trends. Companies like Nethunting are dedicated to research and strategic consulting through the exploration and design of futures. Their goal is for businesses to connect with society through a 360 vision and the purpose of adding positive, sustainable and techno-optimistic ingredients. Gema will present us five references and five trends to take into account within this sector.

 About the speaker 

Gema Requena is a professional with a wide experience in trend research focused as a market tool. In 2008 she coined the term nethunting to create a new avenue of research: digital coolhunting specializing in trends derived from social media. In 2011 she published the book A coolhunter en New York City, in which she develops her own model for the study of cities. Her central axis is social trends and she is specialized in areas such as fashion, social networks, retail, consumer and citizen, cities and city branding.

In 2014 she launched the Cool Spot NYC service to show trends on the ground from routes in cities, and that same year the internationalization of Nethunting began with its first headquarters outside of Spain, specifically in Colombia. Gema works with the marketing and communication departments of different agencies, brands and institutions.

 What is DI55ECCIONS? 

The term "dissection" comes from the Latin dissectio, which means "action and effect of dividing a thing into multiple parts for examination". This is the approach that DI55ECCIONS is based on: exploring different areas of the world of design, visual arts, innovation and creativity with the aim of drawing inspiring conclusions. The graphic identity of the conference series takes the five as the axis around which each edition revolves, either by the number of speakers or the amount of content (projects, influences, trends, etc.) that are presented.

Since its birth in 2016, DI55ECCIONS has featured prominent speakers such as Martí Guixé, Chris Grant, Anna Puigjaner, Carmelo Zappulla, Domestic Data Streamers, Snoop Barcelona and Dominnico, among others, who have told us about their professional careers, their work and their creative processes. The evenings have also contributed to promote dialogue between guests and attendees, thus encouraging the exchange of experiences, ideas and advice and fostering networking.

You can watch the online conferences of the last edition on our YouTube channel.

 How to register for the event? 

Fill in the form to sign up for this online conference. You will receive the link in your e-mail the same day of the event. We are waiting for you!

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