Fashion Symposium - De(capital)izing fashion (workshop I)

  • May 3, 2023
  • 11:30 PMto 12:30 PM
  • 209 Balmes street.
Fashion Together Symposium Workshop Poster

On May 3rd we celebrate the 4th edition of our Fashion Symposium . The workshop "De(capital)izing fashion" will take place at 11:30h.

Can design be participative? What does it mean to participate in a design process? In this session, our alumni Roberto Piqueras (social educator and former fashion designer with experience in diversity and inclusion) will provide tools that question conventional production methodologies to put people at the center.

About the speaker

Roberto Piqueras

Roberto Piqueras

Born in Sabadell (Barcelona) in 1985, he graduated in 2006 from LCI Barcelona as a fashion designer, but after spending a decade distributing his brand internationally between Asia and the United States, he graduated as a social educator at UAB in 2021 and completed a master's degree in 2022 at the same university on research in education. He currently works as a social educator at Actuavallès within different projects on sexual education, LGBTIAQ+ and HIV, as well as continuing his research on the construction of safe spaces in the educational field.

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Event in Spanish.

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