LCI Barcelona lights up again Llum BCN with the participatory installation "Reborn"

Students from the Interior and Product areas participated in the design and production of this interdisciplinary project.
Silhouettes at a Nighttime Art Installation

The new edition of Llum BCN, the Festival of Light Arts in the city of Barcelona, will be held from February 4th to 6th. The Poblenou neighborhood becomes from February 4th to 6th the main stage of this internationally prestigious event in which creatives from different disciplines participate: art, lighting design and interactive environments, architecture, expanded audiovisual and live arts.

As usual, Llum BCN includes projects from the academic world. After our last participations with "Circadian Rhythms" (2020) and "Merak" (2021), we now present "Reborn", an interdisciplinary installation created by students from the Interior Design and Product Design areas that can be visited from Friday at the Poblenou Centre Park (Av. Diagonal, 116).

Glowing Object and Outdoor Art Exhibit

The installation "Reborn" allows visitors to draw with light

The area managers Pedro Coelho and Ernest Perera have led this project that reminds us what it means to be alive from the sequence between light and darkness, the visible and the invisible. Using the sculpture of a well by French architect and designer Jean Nouvel, the installation seeks to recover the collective sense with a large "black" canvas that is transformed by the messages that visitors can leave.

This Thursday, the 1st year students of the University Diploma in 2D and 3D Animation were the first to make their contribution on the canvas. Together with professor Félix Herrero and area manager David Carretero, they drew their messages and illustrations with incredible results.

Neon Art and Group Gathering

Some of the creations by Animation students

"Reborn" generates a dynamic space around the sculpture that invites the user to take part in the project by drawing with light. The installation highlights all those activities based on unity that have been interrupted because of the pandemic and expresses the hope of recovering them soon.

Congratulations to the whole team for this #RebornLCI!

redits - Students: Cindy Rojas, Josep Segovia, María Fernanda Escalona, Natalia Naranjo, Sebastián Alarcón and Alex Coser (Interior and Product Design areas). - Tutors: Pedro Coelho and Ernest Perera, managers of the Interior and Product Design areas.

Open House | Campus de LCI Barcelona (calle Àlaba, 124).

Open Day for Bachelor's Degrees

Come meet us, learn all about our bachelor's degrees, and discover LCI Education's European Hub!
Audience Attending a Seminar in a Modern Hall
  • October 24, 2024
  • 6:00 PM - 7:45 PM