Photography students and alumni immortalize the 1st Family Meeting by Down Catalunya

This platform brings together organizations in Catalonia that work to improve the life quality of people with Down syndrome.
A cheerful man wearing a chef's hat poses at a cooking class, surrounded by focused participants preparing food.

Last weekend, the 1st Family Meeting by Down Catalunya was held at the Hotel ILUNION Les Corts in Barcelona. This platform brings together organizations in Catalonia that work to improve the life quality of people with Down syndrome. A group of students and alumni of our University Diploma in Digital Photography covered this special event.

Two people seated, one with an arm around the other, at a conference hall with audience clapping in the background.

© Júlia Lance

Around 150 people attended the meeting, which included debates and talks with families, researchers, experts in legal and juridical matters, etc. Parallel activities were also organized for children and young people with Down syndrome and intellectual disabilities and their brothers and sisters: a cooking workshop, visits to the Egyptian Museum and the Barcelona Football Club Museum, a tour of the city aboard the Bus Turístic and sports activities at CE Laietà, among others. The opening session was attended by Violant Cervera, Minister of Social Rights of the Generalitat de Catalunya.

A diverse group of individuals of varying ages posing together during a visit to a vibrant, interactive exhibition space with colorful lighting in the background.

© Hongyi Gao

Students Nadhia Nizarala and Hongyi Gao and alumni Helena Travesset and Júlia Lance were photographing the event under the coordination of area director Salvatore Elefante. One of the participants, Helena, explains that she was delighted to cover the event because she has always been interested in the social function of photography, in this case with the aim of "raising awareness about the people with Down syndrome and fighting against their stigmatization". For Helena, "it was a very rewarding experience to be part of this environment in which everything is integration and support".

A cheerful woman with glasses leaning on a friend at a conference, both wearing lanyards, embodying camaraderie.

© Helena Travesset

Helping Down Catalunya to immortalize its 1st Meeting of Families, our photographers felt the gratitude of the organization and all the attendees. A gratitude that, as Helena highlights, was mutual for "having the opportunity to live (and photograph) in first person this event full of precious alliances and bonds".

*The cover image belongs to the student Nadhia Nizarala.