Our Animation graduates win a SGAE New Authorship Award at the Sitges Film Festival with "Sweet Side"

Last Saturday, the 13 finalist short films of the SGAE Foundation's New Authorship Awards (which are given as part of the International Fantastic Film Festival of Catalonia) were screened at the Casino Prado cinema in Sitges. And we are very happy because "Sweet Side", the short film made by our Animation graduates (class of 2022), has won the award for Best Original Music.
The jury of the category, formed by Cesc Gay (director, screenwriter and playwright), Marta Grau (screenwriter, writer and script editor) and Alfonso de Vilallonga (film composer, vocalist and singer-songwriter) decided to award the soundtrack by Valentín Cremona for "accompanying this story and its characters with music that is appropriate, simple and effective to the utmost, and for doing so without redundancy or underlining anything at any time, finding the necessary balance between discretion and active presence".

Our graduates at the Casino Prado cinema
A representation of the film's team, led by its director Albert García, attended the event and went on stage to collect the award. Àngel Sala (director of the festival) and Lluís Gómez (director of SGAE in Catalonia and the Balearic Islands) did not miss it.
And there is even more, because "Sweet Side" will be seen again at the Sitges Film Festival. It will precede the screening of Inu-oh this Saturday, October 15th at 16:45h at the Tramuntana theater. Congratulations to our alumni!