Celebrating the LCI Barcelona Fashion Show'23 at our future campus

A new graduating class of our Bachelor's Degree in Fashion Design presented their final collections this Wednesday in a very special location: the impressive new campus still unfinished that we will inaugurate next year in the 22@ district, the heart of the most creative and innovative side of Barcelona. The first event held on our future campus was chaired by Claude Marchand (CEO of LCI Education), Caroline Comeau (Executive Vice President of the network), Luis Diego Quiros (COO for Latin America at LCI), Alessandro Manetti (the network's Head of Europe), and Sílvia Viudas (General Director of LCI Barcelona).
Despite their differences, the 43 fashion collections showcased (32 women's, 10 men's and one genderless) were presented under the concept HÂLÔ which, inspired by the Latin etymological root of "longing", captures the vital energy and passion with which our learners face a promising future. Together we embarked on an exciting journey through the inner universe and identity of each designer. "Beyond how beautiful or extravagant they look, the key is to see the collections with an open mind, to let ourselves be captivated by them and discover what sensations they awaken in us", explained the head of the Fashion area Estel Vilaseca from the backstage.
Once the fashion show was over, the awards ceremony for the 10 best collections began. The jury in charge of selecting the winners was composed by:
- Zoel Hernández - Fashion journalist & social media editor.
- Carlos Marán - Senior fashion editor & coordinator of Herdes Magazine and Blend Showroom & Communication.
- Charo Mora - Journalist, teacher, curator, researcher and fashion consultant.
- Jordi Campo - CEO of Barcelona Fashion Press.
- Marta Marín - Doctor in aesthetics and consultant.
- Josep Abril - Fashion designer.
- Berta Pfirsich - Fashion photographer and creative director.
- Joana Poulastrou - Designer expert in digital design and avatars.
- Yolanda Muelas - Editor-in-chief of Metal Magazine.
- Claudia Englmann - Stylist/editor for Vogue in different countries.
The award-winning learners were Julia Crusells, Annabel Pulido, Marta Cebrián, Pilar Crespo, Laia Alargé, Mapi Pascual, Anna Salvador, Maria Solé, Marta Salazar, and Maria Unzueta. The Blend Showroom and Towanda Models awards were also presented, whose winners will have the support of both companies in their first steps as fashion professionals. Marta Cebrián, Julia Crusells, and Annabel Pulido were awarded by Blend, while Andres Moscoso won the Towanda award.
Congratulations to the 43 learners who presented their collections at the LCI Barcelona Fashion Show 2023 and to the teachers who accompanied them throughout the process:
- Designers: Judit Arenas Soler, Carla Cámara Rodríguez, Paula Cardona y Sánchez, Max Illa Tobajas, Hugo Mamdy, Marina Mas Torroja, Mariona Urgell Baiori, Paula Álvarez Cánovas, Sònia Bartrés Vidal, Alisson Dennise, Andrea Eleta Cabrera, Dídac Llorens Vaillo, Maria Pilar Pascual Capella, Anna Salvador Fuentes, Maria Solé Puntes, Ana Emilia Castañeda Gómez, Julia Cots Miquel, Nicole De Semir Núñez, Anna Garrido Tarroch, Sara Mingorance Segués, Andres Alejandro Moscoso Espinoza, Andrea Pérez Santos, Maria Unzueta Retegui, Laia Alargé Duarte, Clara Bonada Farró, Marta Cebrián Martínez, Júlia Maurí Vila, Carlos Ordoñez Gallardo, Marta Salazar Vilanova, Aida Sánchez Arroyo, Estel Alonso Bilbeny, Pilar Crespo Hereu, Ares Rico Vigatà, Medaly Ruiz Alonso, Maya Solsona Hernández, Laura Troyano Campos, Amal Cheddadi, Julia Crusells Fuertes, Judit Mainou Cunillera, Lucía Pérez Alaminos, Ayman Pervaiz, Annabel Pulido Pérez, and Emiliana Angelica Sánchez Lotano.
- Project manager: Gabriel Torres.
- Tutors: Manuel Bolaño, Estefania Feu, Montse Liarte, Lucia Alcaina, Hanne Rützou and Nadia Montero (Design), Maria Costa and Fran Jiménez (Pattern Making), and Dani Cantó and David Urbano (Communication).

Once again, our fashion show has been the result of a great collective work by the LCI community (teachers, learners, and staff members), as well as external companies and professionals:
- Production and art direction: ESMA.
- Casting: Towanda Models Agency.
- Make-up: Cazcarra and Thuya.
- Hairdressing: Barcelona Hair Academy, Cazcarra, and Thuya.
- Event broadcasting: The Angle Studio.
- Photographic support: Photography area learners.
- Graphic support: Michelle Telkamp (Bachelor's Degree in Graphic Design learner).
- Support in room management: Master in Fashion Marketing, Communication, and Event Planning learners.
Thanks and congratulations to each and every one of you for the great success of the #LCIFashionShow23!
*Images by Douglas Manzanares and Álvaro Rubio Mateu.
**Don't miss the best images of the fashion show in this album.