Masterclass by Fecal Matter to celebrate our campus opening

The opening events of our new campus began with a very special masterclass by the Canadian collective Fecal Matter, made up of Steven Raj and Hannah Rose, alumni of LaSalle College Montréal. During the event, which generated great anticipation and was a success in terms of attendance, the artists shared their unique perspective on fashion and art, blending provocative aesthetics with profound social critique.
Steven and Hannah spoke about their journey and explained how they have transformed experiences of oppression and nonconformity into an artistic vision that challenges traditional beauty standards. Their extreme designs and almost otherworldly, psychedelic makeup invite reflection on themes of identity and what it means to be human, capturing the attention of the industry and figures like Rick Owens and Jean Paul Gaultier.
Beyond being a trend, Fecal Matter (aka Matières Fécales) represents a movement that explores the darker, post-human side of fashion and invites viewers to rethink the boundaries of the aesthetic and the human. Their unique style and authenticity resonated with all attendees, inspiring new ways of seeing and creating in the design world.
We extend our gratitude to Steven Raj and Hannah Rose for visiting us to share their vision and time with our community during the inauguration of LCI Education’s European Hub. Below, you can watch a recap video of the masterclass: